Tuesday, March 23, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
The election of Kamala Harris to Vice President was a glass-ceiling shattering moment for a position that had only been held by men for 245 years. Much like Harris, former Governor Christine Todd Whitman was the only woman to be elected as Governor of New Jersey in its 234 year history. These women have made their mark in history in the arena of politics and government, but women across history and across the world have blazed their own trails to the top of their industries – including male dominated fields and industries.
Women in the environmental field, engineering, utility companies, manufacturing and more have often faced hurdles while trying to advance. What made these women choose their occupation? How did they break through? What advice do they have for others? Join us in celebrating these women and Women’s History month as we learn how these exceptional women got to where they are today.
Keynote Speaker:
Governor Christine Todd Whitman
50th Governor of the State of New Jersey
President, Whitman Strategy Group
Guest Speakers:
Kim Vierheilig, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP
Vice President, Regional Business Line Leader of Buildings + Places for NY Metro