On May 11, 2023, NJSWEP held the NJDEP Regulatory Update event in-person at the Department of Environmental Protection Headquarters in Trenton. As in years past, the Brownfields Coalition of the Northeast (BCONE) co-hosted the event.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) implements environmental regulations and policies for the State, which frequently evolve as priorities change. This one-day workshop allowed for our members to be updated on the NJDEP’s priorities and plans. In addition, presentations included information on the status of existing programs, updates, stakeholder engagement and proposed legislative changes that are key for successful implementation. NJDEP Assistant Commissioners and their designees from programs including Environmental Justice, Climate Resilience, Environmental Management, Water Resources, Site Remediation, Compliance and Enforcement, and Sustainability and Green Energy presented on current and emerging topics. Our members had the opportunity to ask questions directly to NJDEP staff and network with colleagues. A copy of the slide deck was emailed to all registrants.
Our members represent a diverse group of environmental professionals, and it is vital for us to keep them connected to the regulators and policy makers. NJSWEP and BCONE would like to thank all the presenters and organizers for their time and continued service to our great State!